
History of AAUP

Arthroscopy of various joints is becoming a routine surgical procedure and almost all young surgeons are getting more & more inclined towards this evolving technique.

In Uttar Pradesh also, day by day, number of arthroscopy surgeons is increasing. Therefore the need of a common forum for teaching, training & organizing various academic events was the need of time. Keeping this in mind and by the inspiration of our seniors, Arthroscopy Association Uttar Pradesh was founded on 19th August 2017 by 11 founder members. Dr. S.C Goel & Dr. G.K Singh being the Patron, Dr. K.D Tripathi founder President & Dr. Ashish Kumar founder Secretary & 9 founder Executive Members.

Constitution was prepared based on the Constitution of Indian Arthroscopy Society and AAUP was registered under U.P Society act on 25/8/2017 at Lucknow.